About me

I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate at EEE Department of Imperial College London (ICL), working with Prof. Ayush Bhandari on computational imaging and modulo sampling. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral fellow at EE Department at CUHK, advised by Prof. Thierry BLU. I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong where I had a wonderful time, in July 2021, supervised by Prof. Thierry BLU. I received my bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Sichuan University (SCU) in 2017.

Research Interests

My research includes sampling theory, image and signal processing, computational imaging, and non-conventional geometric visualization of 1D real data. Currently, I am focusing on the Unlimited Sensing Framework, an emerging field that integrates a synergetic co-design of unconventional hardware and novel mathematical algorithms.


Room 805, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Imperial College London London, UK